Sunday, November 13, 2011

Step By Step Manage Our Money

Whether we earn a little or a lot, it's always wise to budget and plan our finances smartly. Here are some steps that we may use for managing our money wisely:
Step 1: Set our financial goals
Financial goals reflect things we want to do with our money within a certain period. Setting these goals will help us understand the value of money and encourage prudent spending.
Step 2:Know where our money goes to
Developing a spending plan to achieve our goals easily.
Step 3: Assess our spending habits
Look through our list of expenses and determine if they are a necessity or luxury item.
Step4: Write down our spending plan
A spending plan can help us manage your finances.


我正要提的就是坐落于云顶半山的Gohtong Jaya商业区内的-云顶草莓休闲农场。农场目前游乐设施包括:草莓园,蔬菜园区,蘑菇园,花园,草莓专卖店,餐厅购物街等。游客们不但可享受在凉爽的气候下采草莓的过程,而且还可了解农务的先进,包括农产品的培育,重植法,种类等。不止这些哦,农场里还种了小番茄,黄瓜,灯笼椒。这些蔬菜业开放让大家采摘哦!